Spit Bridge to Manly Walk

Spit Bridge to Manly Walk

Starting Point: Spit Bridge
Ending Point: Manly (duh)
Distance: 10 km
Key Attractions: Hidden Sydney beaches (e.g. Clontarf and those around North Harbour)
Directions: Catch a bus (169, 178, 179 or 180) from Carrington St, Wynyard to the far end of Spit Bridge, walk along the coast to Manly and ferry it back to Circular Quay. Easy as pie!

Duration: According to  various websites, 3 hours
Actual Duration: Try 5 hours. FIVE.
Reason why it took so long:

My adventure buddies: Milo, Nathan, Shane, Mandy & Maria
Ha! Just kidding. It took so long because we kept getting distracted by lizards, lookouts and Shane's selfie-stick of shame.

Underneath Spit Bridge
Laaiiife is like a box of chocolates. If you actually make an effort to read the back of the box, you'll know which goddamn flavour you're picking up. 
We almost didn't do this walk because of Google. Google said it would be cloudy with a high chance of thunderstorms. Google is clearly evil and out to rain on everybody's parade (pun intended). 

Clontarf Beach
 Clontarf Beach, aka home to Patrick and his relatives. Seriously. I've never seen so many starfishes in one location.

Spot the lizard
Spot the lizard again.
How many lizards did you find?
Grotto Point Lookout
Ooooh Sydney you so fine. 
Our lunch spot overlooking the water. This was a little past the halfway point of the walk. 
North Harbour Reserve

I liked the the whole walk had these little signposts dotted throughout which made it impossible for the directionless (such as me) to get lost. Speaking of direction, at some point during the walk, Milo brought up the idea of starting our own band called "No Direction".

Please Milo, you're preaching to the choir. I've got the no direction thing covered to a T.

North Harbour Walk. Trying to pick up our pace because it was getting dark. 
Sunset around Federation Point
We made it!
Just in time as well - it got dark really fast as we were walking towards the wharf. 
Celebrating with some sea-salt and melon milkshake ice-cream at Aqua S

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