Procrasti-Item No. 1: Watch some sWooZie on YouTube
I YouTube a lot. And I mean, a lot ('cause who needs a social life when ya got internet). So I'm surprised it took me so long to come across sWooZie - an Orlando-based vlogger/filmmaker/gamer and cartoonist. His videos are HILARIOUS as he often takes personal experiences (such as clubbing, relationships and work), turns them into quirky animations and adds a dash of sarcastic narration over it. You might have heard of his previous videos, Confessions of a Disney Employee and My Girlfriend's Boyfriend, both of which went viral. His newest vid "Admit it: Clubbing is Lame" got almost 700,000 views in 5 days!
Procrasti-Item 2: Waste a couple of hours on Hyperbole and a Half
Like sWooZie, Allie Brosh draws upon personal experiences to churn out entertaining comics that serve as efficient time wasters. The childlike quality of her drawings is deceiving. This lady has remarkable skill in storytelling via images and her sense of humour is incomparable. INCOMPARABLE I TELL YOU. I first came across her blog during one of my international studies tutorials and basically spent the whole lesson holding back snorts and guffaws while my tutor chucked me the nastiest dirties.
Procrasti-Item 3: Listen to 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This' by Paloma Faith on Repeat
Because this song is the shiz and why not.
Procrasti-Item 4: Give Yourself a Hypothetical Tattoo
If you could get a tattoo what would you get and where would you put it? Perhaps a troll doll for your bicep? Or an onion on your armpit? (THESE EXIST Y'ALL). Try pinterest or tumblr for inspiration.
Procrasti-Item 5: Watch some spoken word poetry
I'm too stupid and uncultured for normal poetry (and therein lies my English Extension 1 downfall). I'm sure Keats was fantabulous at his art but personally, I couldn't get over the fact that he was writing verses to pottery and glorified seagulls. Spoken word poetry though, is right up my alley. I think it's got something to do with the passion in the delivery and the conviction that comes through speakers drawing upon personal experiences. My favourite poets are Shane Koyczan (above), Sarah Kay and Suli Breaks
Procrasti-Item 6: Learn a lame party trick
Learn a lame party trick...that will mostly likely never be performed due to the public humiliation you will be forced to endure if you ever whip out said trick. You can't get any more dorky than good ol' coin knuckle rolling (above) and advanced pen twirling.
Procrasti-Item 7: Rediscover - click it...if you dare
I have not gone on this site since high school. No really, I haven't. But I'm glad (and somewhat fearful) of the fact that it is very much alive and thriving with more rampant eroticism and grammatical taboos that you can poke a wand at.
Procrasti-Item 8: Be amazed at how many terrible romance novel covers there are out there
If was not traumatic enough, this site would probably do the job. (Glistening Scotsmen and plunging necklines alert!). Methinks some people need to go back to Photoshop school.
Procrasti-Item 9: Be a voyeur of other people's angst on
Another blast from the past; is a collection of anonymously mailed Postcards, each containing some sort of confession or guilty admission for the internet public to titter over. Stories range from adultery to childhood grudges.
Procrasti-Item 10: Humans of New York
No explanation needed for HONY since everyone's probably heard of it. Just good ol' fashioned photos of New Yorkers in their natural environment..
So that's my list for those who strive to procrastinate in style. I'm really interested to see what other people come up with. (No Nanc, I will not watch Honey Boo Boo, sorry).
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